Michelle Ortega is a poet who has been published widely online and in print. She especially values the work of small press operations for their commitment to sharing art that impacts the current culture.
By day, Michelle works as a speech-language pathologist; as President and Founder of Communicare Ltd., Inc. she employs a holistic approach to support patients of all ages develop and recover communication skills. Michelle also serves on the Board of Directors for Arts by the People, where she co-creates and facilitates TheWriting LAB experiences.
When she’s not in the office, Michelle enjoys good food, photography, road trips (local and long distance) and air travel. Especially to Paris and now, Arizona where her daughter and favorite travel partner resides. You can find her wandering local graveyards or riding old carousels in new cities. Her cats, Prana and Lucie, only ignore her for a short while once she returns. photo credit LAG Photography
“A Raindrop Becomes the River”
“I Hardly Let Myself”
New Jersey Bards Anthology, 2023
“la danse”
Stillwater Review, 2023
“On the Pont Alexandre III”
Exit 13, 2023
“violet’s eye”
Humana Obscura Issue 6, Spring/Summer 2-23
“What the Body Recreates”
Snapdragon: A Journal of Healing, Fall 2022
“So Many Meteorites”
Every Day Poems 5/17/22
“Revival at the Hotel Biron”
“Love Lock”
Exit 13, #27 Spring/Summer 2022
Every Day Poems 3/7/22
“Let the Questions Go Unanswered”
included in the book: How to Write a Form Poem by Tanya Runyan, Sara Barkat, LL Barkat, editors; 2021, TS Poetry Press, New York.
“Dead River Road”
SnapDragon: A Journal of Healing, Winter 2021 (subscription)
Every Day Poems (subscription)
(forthcoming 2022) Earthsong: A Nature Poems Experience by TS Poetry Press
“After Luke 2:19”
SnapDragon: A Journal of Healing, Fall 2021 (subscription)
“Green in March”
Paterson Literary Review, Issue #49, 2021
“As If” and “Brunch at Sadelle’s”
“Elegy (this is what agony wants)”
“Over Her Shoulder”
“Grave Blanket”
Tiferet, Fall 2020 (subscription)
Tiferet, Spring 2019 (subscription)
Tiferet, Spring 2018 (subscription)
SnapDragon: A Journal of Healing, Fall 2019 (subscription)
“The Physics of Water”
“Show Me”
Exit 13, Fall 2018
Exit 13, Spring 2020